
Her sidst i februar fik vi installeret vores solcelleanlæg fra VivaEnergi.

Helt igennem en succesoplevelse med en meget seriøs leverandør fra ende til anden, og uden at vi blev lovet guld og grønne skove.

Anlægget er et 7,1kWp anlæg med 18 stk. 405W JA Solar paneler, 6kW Growatt inverter, og et 7,5kWh Growatt batteri.

Vi har haft en fantastisk debut med masser af sol, og allerede nu producerer anlægget mere end vi kan forbruge. Det skulle dog gerne ændre sig, når der forhåbentlig snart lander en elbil i indkørslen.

Snapshot fra Growatt app. i dag.
Ni paneler på SV siden af huset.
Ni paneler på SØ siden af huset
Inverter og batteri.

New challenges and a look back

It’s now two and half years since I joined #GN in March 2020, only 8 days before Denmark went into lockdown.

It has been a magnificent and extremely busy ride, ranging from the difficult onboarding, which above all my Chinese colleagues did a lot to ease, across weakening sales in the #resound hearing aid business and equally crazy sales in the #jabra audio market during Covid, a highly accelerated #Azure cloud migration, and the recent #SteelSeries acquisition.

1.5 years ago I knew absolutely nothing about Infrastructure as Code, #Terraform, and CI/CD pipelines – and today I cannot imagine building infrastructure without considering how idempotent methods might be applied, even though I still have a LOT to learn.

Working with #Aviatrix, building our cloud infrastructure has been amazing, I have learned so much from that, and I would urge anyone doing cloud networking and connectivity to take a serious look at what they do!

Working with #Conscia, building a global #Cisco #SD-WAN has been equally gratifying (although I had to renounce the IaC part), and we basically covered our global infrastructure in 6 months, with our Chinese colleagues also taking a huge toll on the migrations together with the Conscia team.

Last, but not least, it’s been a pleasure working with the team at #Telstra to define the best WAN solution for #GN for the coming years.

All this whilst my colleagues in Denmark struggled with a global deployment of #Zscaler, and we struggled with how to best integrate with the SD-WAN solution.

A special thank you to all the wonderful people across the globe I have met, who made this possible, including the many talented people from #Globeteam, #Innofactor, and #Atea.

Now it’s time to move on, and on September 1st. I’ll be joining the team at #Demant as Network Solution Specialist.

Nye udfordringer, men i samme branche

Efter 2½ utroligt spændende og udfordrende år hos GN, bliver det d. 1. september tid til at skifte til Demant.

Det har været både sjovt og lærerigt hos GN, men også meget travlt!
Jeg har fået lært en masse om cloud netværk, infrastructure as code, terraform, CI/CD pipelines og SD-WAN, snuset til SASE løsninger, og været med til at indgå en ny global WAN kontrakt for GN.

#aviatrix, #cisco, #sdwan, #terraform, #zscaler, #telstra.